46th House of Delegates Special Election


1.  Call. Pursuant to the authority provided by the Virginia Democratic Party Plan, the 46th House of Delegates Democratic Committee (46th) hereby calls an Unassembled Caucus to be held on Tuesday, December 16, 2008, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, in the multi-purpose room of the William Ramsey Recreation Center, 5650 Sanger Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia.
2.  Incorporated Documents. All appropriate provisions of the Code of Virginia (“Code”), Virginia Democratic Party Plan (“Party Plan”) and the Bylaws of the ADC (“Bylaws”) are incorporated into this Call by reference and made a part hereof.
3.  Purpose. The sole purpose of this Caucus shall be to nominate one candidate for the 46th Virginia House of Delegates’ District, in accordance with the Party Plan and Bylaws, for the Special Election to be held on January 13, 2009.
4.  Candidate Requirements: Each candidate for nomination must meet the requirements specified by the Code, the Party Plan, and the Bylaws.  Filing forms may be obtained from the Chair of the 46th House of Delegates’ Democratic Committee, 618 North Washington Street, Ground Floor, Suite 2, Alexandria, VA 22314.  Each candidate for nomination must submit a completed filing form, at the 46th’s address above, by Monday, December 15, 2008, at 2 PM.  Each filing form must be accompanied by a filing fee of $500.00.  If only one qualified candidate files for the House of Delegates’ vacancy, that candidate shall be declared the nominee, and the Caucus will be canceled.

5.  Notice Requirements: It shall be the duty of the 46th to ensure that this call receives the widest possible dissemination.
6.  Voting Eligibility and Requirements: Any Democrat who is registered to vote in the 46th Virginia House of Delegates’ District may vote in the Caucus or at the early voting session, provided that he or she signs a declaration that he or she is a Democrat, is a registered voter in the 46th Virginia House of Delegates’ District, believes in the principles of the Democratic Party, and does not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to the Democratic nominee in the Special Election on January 13, 2009.  Early voting ballots may be completed in person at the Ramsey Recreation Center, address above, on Monday, December 15, between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM.  On site voter registration will be available on both the 15th and the 16th.
7.  Caucus Committees and Officers: The Chair of the 46th shall appoint temporary rules and credentials committees, which shall publish rules and credentials procedures for the Caucus.  The Caucus shall elect a Permanent Chair and Clerk, adopt the rules for the Caucus and appoint the permanent rules and credentials committees.  The Caucus Chair shall appoint a Head Teller, Sergeant At Arms and a Legal Advisor to the Caucus.
8.  Outreach: Participation in the Caucus is open to all registered voters in the 46th Virginia House of Delegates’ District who wish to participate as Democrats.  The 46th shall conduct a vigorous outreach effort to insure that all members of the Democratic community are aware of the Caucus and how to participate.  Such outreach shall be directed to all Democratic constituencies, including groups such as ethnic minorities, young people, persons over 65 years of age, lesbians and gay men, persons with a high school education or less, persons with differing abilities, and persons of low and moderate income.
Adopted by the 46th House of Delegates Democratic Committee  on December 13, 2008.
(original signed)
Jennifer Bissett, Chair, 46th House of Delegates’ Democratic Committee