Obama's Top 20 Accomplishments

When Obama took office the Dow Jones was in a severe decline and bottomed out at 6600, our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was negative -8% and we were losing more than 750,000 jobs a month.  Today, under Obama, the Dow Jones is over 12,500, our GDP is now plus +3% (up 11%) and we are adding an average of about 200,000 jobs a month.  Republicans wrecked our economy and have nothing to offer but obstruction and more supply-side tax cuts and deregulation, which fail to address the problems we face and only add to the deficit, which they also complain about. Our problem is lack of demand, not supply.  We have too many consumers hammered by loss of income, homes, and savings and Republicans block every attempt to solve these problems.
Despite Republicans doing everything they can to sabotage our economic recovery for their own political gain, President Obama has made some amazing accomplishments over the past 3 years. Here are just a few:

Obama’s Top 20 Accomplishments

  1. Prevented a second Great Depression
  2. Saved the US auto industry
  3. Provided $ billions for infrastructure, research and job creation
  4. Killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan
  5. Eliminated most of al-Qaida leadership
  6. Toppled Muammar Gaddafi and liberated the people of Libya (without US troops)
  7. Ended the war in Iraq
  8. Ended the self-destructive “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
  9. Got Health Insurance Reform passed to protect more Americans
  10. CHIP reauthorization provides health care to 11 million children who live in poverty
  11. Overhauled food safety regulations to strengthen inspection and recall authority
  12. Pushed for and signed new tobacco regulation to combat the biggest killer in the US
  13. Achieved the most sweeping credit card reform in 40 years
  14. Pushed for and signed Wall Street reform to prevent future bubbles and crashes
  15. Reformed No Child Left Behind with new Race To The Top program
  16. Pushed for and signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to ensure fair pay for women
  17. Appointed the first Hispanic justice to the Supreme Court
  18. Adopted the strongest and most comprehensive lobbying, ethics and transparency rules ever
  19. Student loan reform, significantly expands access to affordable government loans
  20. Non-proliferation agreement cuts Russia and US nuclear stockpiles in half

Read about more Obama accomplishments here: Obama’s Achievements Center

The 2012 Republican primary has seen one ridiculous candidate after another leap to the top of the pack and then self destruct (Trump, Bachman, Perry, Cain, Gingrich) but Wall Street got the nominee they paid for. Mitt Romney’s tax returns help answer the question: What happened to our country? We had a once thriving middle-class economy that put people to work and created many new millionaires and fewer poor people, but something happened that wrecked our economy and put many of us into bankruptcy or close to it.  Yet somehow, a small handful of people, like Mitt Romney managed to make immense fortunes in the midst of our collapse?  Big corporations like Exxon Mobil and General Electric made record profits, while paying little to no taxes and actually reduced jobs in the U.S.  Mitt Romney’s 15% tax rate, Swiss and Cayman Island bank accounts and his record at Bain Capital create a clear picture of how Republicans rigged our system so a few people could rip off our middle class.
President Obama and other Democratic officials are up against Exxon Mobil, Koch Industries and many other Republican billionaire corporate friends, who spend millions of dollars each year to manipulate Americans into voting against their own interests. Republicans offer nothing but obstruction and divisive politics. They keep telling us how bad government is and keep trying to get elected so they can prove it. It is vitally important we put an end to this cycle of self destruction. It’s up to us to stand up for middle-class families and fight against the reckless, right-wing Republican policies that protect billionaires and big oil companies on the backs of working families and seniors. Please share this list with all of your family and friends and please volunteer in 2012 and talk to your neighbors and get them out to vote this November 6th.

Timeline of the Presidency of Barack Obama > [ 2009 ] > [ 2010 ] > [ 2011 ]