UPDATED: 2020 Virginia Democratic Convention Delegate Scorecard

Updated April 14 at 11:20 am.

NOTE:  The Fairfax County virtual caucuses scheduled for April 18 through April 20 are cancelled. The number of people pre-filing for the Fairfax County caucuses did not exceed the number of Delegate or Alternate positions available for each candidate.

The tabs in this sheet are for the candidate allocations for the Democratic National Convention delegates and alternates and the Fairfax candidate allocations for congressional district/state convention delegates and alternates. The final tab shows the allocations for all congressional district/state convention delegates and alternates.

Click HERE for the 2020 Democratic Delegate Scorecard  for the 50 states, District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) and Democrats Abroad.

Click HERE for information about becoming a Democratic National Convention delegate or alternate and/or a Virginia congressional district Democratic convention/state Democratic convention delegate or alternate.

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