Safer Country/Schar School Forum on College Threat Assessments and Red Flag Laws featuring David Hogg, Steve Descano, Sgt. Amanda Paris, and Sean Perryman!
The UVA mass shooting has led to questions about college threat assessments and red flag laws. The General Assembly just passed a law to require alerting law enforcement when assessments are done. We’ll be discussing all of the above and more.
Moderated by Dean Mark Rozell and Paul Friedman
Mark Rozell is a political scientist. He is the dean and Ruth D. and John T. Hazel chair in public policy at the Schar School of Policy and Government of George Mason University
Paul A. Friedman, JD, is the founder and executive director of Safer Country, the Alexandria-based gun violence prevention nonprofit. Over the past two years, Safer Country initiated and has led the creation of a red flag law public awareness campaign with the Fairfax County government.