Fairfax County Democratic Committee

Duties of Officers and Committees

As amended March 8, 2022

Table of Contents


  1. FCDC Chair

    1. Serve as the Chief Executive Officer and legal head of the County Committee;
    2. Develop an annual Strategic Plan to guide Committee Activities;
    3. Preside at meetings;
    4. Exercise supervision over the County Committee and all its activities and employees; and
    5. Represent and speak for the County Committee to other organizations and to the public.
  2. Treasurer

    1. Prepare an annual budget for the County Committee for approval by the Steering Committee and then County Committee;
    2. Continue to advise the Steering Committee and County Committee on budget details and adjustments, to include preparation of profit and loss, and cash flow statements;
    3. Maintain all financial records;
    4. Supervise all accounts receivable and payable activities;
    5. Prepare FEC and any other reports required by government entities. Represent the County Committee to these entities when necessary;
    6. Prepare appropriate tax and other financial documents required for the County Committee; and
    7. Advise the County Committee on appropriate measures to assure effective financial operations.
  3. Assistant Treasurer

    1. Assist the Treasurer in all the financial operations;
    2. Sign financial documents, as needed in the absence of the Treasurer; and
    3. Prepare FEC and any other reports required by government entities. Represent the County Committee to these entities when necessary in the absence of the Treasurer.
  4. Recording Secretary

    1. Record minutes of all County Committee and Steering Committee meetings and make available for review and approval in a timely manner;
    2. Maintain an official record of all minutes and agendas;
    3. Provide minutes of Steering Committee meetings to all Steering Committee members at least one week prior to next meeting;
    4. Assist the Chair in preparing agendas for meetings and make available at meetings. Steering Committee Agendas should be distributed in advance if possible;
    5. Make available all proposed Amendments to Bylaws for posting on the County Committee website in sufficient time for review prior to votes; and
    6. Attend and record minutes of their meetings as requested by the County Chair.
  5. Corresponding Secretary

    1. Make timely arrangement for meetings of the County Committee and assure proper notification;
    2. Assist the County Committee with communications and correspondence to its members, supporters and other interested persons and entities;
    3. Oversee the public notice of meetings, caucuses, conventions and other activities as required by Bylaws, State Party Plan and the State Board of Elections;
    4. Assist in the development and distribution of procedures for caucuses and conventions; and
    5. Maintain attendance records for FCDC general meetings.
  6. Regional Vice Chairs

    1. Assist the Chair in the administration of the County Committee;
    2. Chair meetings in the absence of the Chair (according to procedures set forth in the Bylaws for determining the ranking of the Vice Chairs) and perform other duties in the absence of the chair;
    3. Serve as liaisons to Democratic campaigns within the County;
    4. Develop a plan for Joint Campaign activities; define its budget and necessary fund raising plan; coordinate with the Treasurer, Precinct Operations, and Communications on implementation of the joint campaign, and supervise its implementation; and
    5. Assist the activities of the Districts within their respective Regions.
  7. Vice Chair for Diversity and Outreach

    1. Strive to recruit an active FCDC membership that reflects Fairfax County demographics and help increase participation of under-represented groups in FCDC, including minorities and young voters;
    2. Work with other FCDC committees including standing committees and magisterial district committees to improve FCDC diversity and outreach;
    3. Oversee the work and expansion of caucuses;
    4. Advise the FCDC chair and steering committee on outreach opportunities;
    5. Maintain data and prepare reports showing FCDC outreach efforts and achievements;
    6. Identify local affinity groups that share Democratic Party values and support Democratic candidates and strengthen relations between those groups and FCDC;
    7. Work with magisterial districts, caucuses, and others to ensure a visible FCDC presence at fairs, festivals, and parades throughout the year in order to promote our organization, Democratic candidates, and Democratic values at these events; and
    8. Conduct activities to reach out to minorities throughout the County where there is not a relevant caucus to encourage membership in FCDC and active participation in the activities of the County Committee and in campaigns to promote Democratic candidates.
  8. Vice Chair for Finance

    1. Assist in formulating the annual budget;
    2. Develop a finance plan to implement the strategic plan approved by the voting members of the Steering Committee;
    3. Supervise the implementation of the finance plan;
    4. Chair the County Committee’s Finance Committee, which is comprised of representatives of each District, as well as those appointed by the Finance Chair. Voting limited to one per Supervisor District, but membership is not limited;
    5. Evaluate fund raising activities for adjustments and provide recommendations for future activities;
    6. Advise Districts on fundraising; and
    7. Coordinate a calendar of fund raising activities of County Committee, District Committees and Campaigns.
  9. Vice Chair for Membership

    1. Oversee membership list, including managing attendance records of Voting Members;
    2. Work with District Committees to establish clear guidelines for reminding members of relevant attendance requirements and of changing membership status;
    3. Establish protocol for onboarding new members; and
    4. Schedule and publicize bimonthly new member orientations, to take place after every regular meeting of the FCDC.
  10. Vice Chair for Precinct Operations

    1. Chair the Precinct Operations Committee to be comprised of representatives from each district;
    2. With the collaboration of the Precinct Operations Committee, develop and manage the precinct operations program to include:
      • Identification of potential Democratic voters.
      • Recruitment and retainment of volunteers for all precinct organizing functions.
      • Development of training programs and materials for precinct organizing.
      • Resource and staff polling locations.
    3. Oversee the implementation of precinct organizing in each district, to include:
      • Development of precinct-based teams that will provide a volunteer structure, following the motto, “Respect. Empower. Include.”
      • Collaboration with each year’s campaign staff to contact voters and maximize Democratic turnout
    4. Evaluate precinct organizing activities and oversee necessary adjustments; and
    5. Work with Communications and Diversity and Outreach Vice Chairs to develop strategic messaging to voters.
  11. Vice Chair for Technology

    1. Oversee the development and technical support for all computerized databases employed by the County Committee for:
      • Financial Records
      • Voters Files
      • Volunteers
      • Others as deemed necessary
    2. Oversee the purchase and maintenance of office software and hardware to include computers, printers, servers, etc.;
    3. Oversee all aspects of the FCDC electronic outreach platforms;
    4. Chair a Technology Committee, which would assist in the above responsibilities; and
    5. Assist in the preparation of the FCDC annual budget regarding issues of technology.
  12. Vice Chair for Voter Registration and Education

    1. Develop a plan to register potential Democratic Voters and supervise implementation of the plan;
    2. Chair the Voter Registration Committee to be comprised of members from each District;
    3. Coordinate with Districts by providing training and materials to effectively carry out a registration program;
    4. Promote outreach programs to newly registered potential Democratic Voters; and
    5. Work closely with campaigns and the Precinct Operations and Diversity and Outreach Committees to GET OUT THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE.

Standing Committees

  1. Central Communications Committee (C3)

    1. Assemble a group of FCDC committee members and other Democrats interested in writing letters to the editor and other communications for publication in all forms of media;
    2. Identify policy and political issues of concern to FCDC, Democratic elected officials, and stakeholders and work cooperatively with those stakeholders to hone messages that are in concert with those stakeholders’ interests consistent with the goals and objectives of FCDC;
    3. Work with FCDC leadership to disseminate messages that advance the committee’s goals;
    4. Work with Democratic elected officials, nominees or endorsees to disseminate messages that complement their legislative agendas and issues;
    5. Draft press releases and other publications as requested and appropriate for FCDC;
    6. Review other public communications to be issued by FCDC as requested;
    7. Develop content and contribute to FCDC social media presence; and
    8. Work to provide training resources to help C3 members and others within the FCDC network expand their communications skills.
  2. Diversity and Outreach Committee

    1. Work to devise overall goals and objectives for FCDC’s outreach program at the Committee level and district level by fostering collaboration between standing committees for maximum outreach and impact;
    2. Build, solidify, and support collaborative, long-term relationships with affinity groups/value partners that would traditionally support our ideals. This includes, but is not limited to, collaboration with neighboring county committees, local grassroots groups, and local issue-specific organizations;
    3. Encourage the participation of underrepresented groups in the activities of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, Democratic elections, and the democratic process;
    4. Expand our community service/social action initiative by planning and organizing a community service program with events FCDC-wide and within magisterial districts;
    5. Support and encourage community members to be civically engaged and run for public office within FCDC’s jurisdiction; and
    6. Ensure a visible FCDC presence at fairs, festivals, and parades throughout the year in order to promote our organization, Democratic candidates.
  3. Education Committee

    1. Advance the principles of the Democratic Party and electoral prospect of Democratic and Democratic-endorsed candidates;
    2. Seek to identify issues concerning education, to study and understand such issues, and to develop reports, recommendations, and/or resolutions on such issues for submission to the County Committee in accordance with the Bylaws;
    3. Develop and maintain communication regarding educational issues with Democratic and Democratic endorsed elected officials;
    4. Encourage Democratic and Democratic endorsed elected officials to bring issues to the attention of the committee in order to obtain a broader base of information from citizens and support for specific issues; and
    5. The duties and responsibilities of the Education Committee do not include making endorsement decisions for School Board. These decisions are reserved for the County Committee.
  4. Election Law and Voter Protection Committee

    1. Be responsible for the training, coordination, and functioning of all election protection activities of FCDC;
    2. Run the Post-Election Canvass for the Democratic Party and participate in the Recounts of all elections in Fairfax County; and
    3. Advise the County Chair and County Committee on Election Law issues.
  5. Finance Committee

    1. Advance the work of the County Committee through development of a finance plan as part of the committee’s budget process;
    2. Participate in implementation of the County Committee’s finance plan;
    3. Evaluate fund raising activities and advise the County Committee on needed improvements;
    4. Advise the Districts on their fund-raising activities;
    5. Coordinate a calendar of fund raising activities of County Committee, District Committees and Campaigns; and
    6. Notwithstanding the above, a separate subcommittee of the Finance Committee will administer the Lilyan & Abe Spero Fund and shall be composed of the FCDC chair, the Treasurer, the Youth Caucus chair, and at least two and no more than eight additional members appointed by the FCDC Chair, of which at least one shall be a District Chair or Regional Vice Chair. The Spero Fund subcommittee:
      1. Will elect a chair from its members;
      2. May create its own organizational structure among its membership to handle tasks for the administration and promotion of the fund; and
      3. May adopt governing documents to guide administration of the fund.
  6. Headquarters Committee

    1. Facilitate County Committee operations and provide resources for Committee members through operation of the headquarters office;
    2. Recruit and train volunteers to staff the headquarters office on a regular basis;
    3. Make recommendations for improvements in the operations of the headquarters;
    4. Monitor equipment and supplies to assure efficient operation of the office;
    5. Work with the District Chairs to encourage the participation of more volunteers in activities at the headquarters; and
    6. Develop standing lists of volunteers who will assist with projects.
  7. National Affairs Committee

    1. Advance the principles of the Democratic Party and electoral prospect of Democratic candidates;
    2. Seek to identify National issues of concern; study and understand such issues; develop reports, recommendations, messaging and presentations on such issues for the County Committee and the public, in accordance with the Bylaws, through engaging issue experts to inform, educate and raise awareness on national policy issues; writing articles and recommended book reviews; drafting resolutions and proposals for FCDC to adopt; partnering with other committees, caucuses and organizations to advance mutual democratic issue positions and objectives; conducting outreach to broaden our base of input on national issues; researching and reporting on the policy positions and voting records of our local Federal elected officials (advocacy & opposition); writing to media editors and other organizations (advocacy & opposition) to disseminate our approved recommendations and messages; and other means;
    3. Develop and maintain communication with Federal Democratic elected officials; and
    4. Encourage Federal Democratic elected officials to bring issues to the attention of the committee in order to obtain a broader base of information from citizens and support for specific issues.
  8. Newsletter Committee

    1. Under supervision of the Chair, originate content for and edit a newsletter containing news, features and opinions of interest to County Committee members and Democratic Party supporters;
    2. Publish the newsletter on a regular monthly basis in print, online and/or in other media that make it generally accessible; and
    3. Conduct related activity aimed to increase the readership and relevance of the newsletter.
  9. Personnel Committee

    1. Article VII, section 5 of the FCDC bylaws provides for the establishment of a Personnel Committee. According to the bylaws, the Personnel Committee shall be appointed by the County Chair, and the County Chair, the Treasurer, at least one Regional Vice Chair, and at least one District Committee Chair, shall be members;
    2. The duties and responsibilities of the Personnel Committee shall include:
      • Determining the need for FCDC personnel and proposing positions to the Steering Committee.
      • Writing and approving position descriptions.
      • Recruiting, hiring, evaluating, rewarding, disciplining, and terminating personnel.
      • Signing employment contracts and setting salaries, bonus parameters, and terms of employment on behalf of FCDC.
      • Providing advice and guidance to the FCDC Executive Director and any other FCDC personnel, including performance feedback as appropriate.
      • Establishing personnel performance goals.
      • Managing employee benefits.
      • Developing FCDC personnel policies.
      • Consulting with other FCDC members and the Executive Director about personnel matters as needed.
      • Keeping the Steering Committee appropriately informed of personnel matters.
    3. The Personnel Committee shall bring its hiring and termination decisions to the Steering Committee for ratification and obtain Steering Committee approval for personnel policies; and
    4. Personnel Committee meetings may be held in closed session provided that records are maintained on proceedings and the nature of the meetings are reported to the Steering Committee as appropriate.
  10. Precinct Operations Committee

    1. As a team with the Vice-Chair of Precinct Operations, develop precinct operations programs to include:
      • Identification of potential Democratic voters.
      • Recruitment and retainment of volunteers for all precinct organizing functions.
      • Development of training programs and materials for precinct organizing.
      • Evaluation of precinct organizing activities and necessary adjustments.
    2. Each member of the Precinct Operations Committee shall oversee the implementation of precinct organizing in his/her own district, in collaboration with other Committee members from the same district.
  11. State and Local Affairs Committee

    1. Advance the principles of the Democratic Party and electoral prospects of Democratic candidates;
    2. Identify State and Local issues of concern, study and understand these issues, and present the issues to FCDC membership through Pre-FCDC meeting forums, panel discussions and speakers, newsletter articles, resolutions, and other means;
    3. Develop and maintain communication with State and Local Democratic elected officials; and
    4. Encourage State and Local Democratic elected officials to bring issues to the attention of the committee in order to obtain a broader base of information and support for specific issues.
  12. Voter Registration Committee

    1. Develop and implement a plan to empower the voter to successfully vote every year, every election: to register, verify/update registrations online, understand early/absentee and Election Day voting procedures, navigate Virginia voting laws, and learn of other pertinent voting actions;
    2. Employ registration, education, and GOTV strategies where likely Democratic voters congregate, to complement Precinct Operations;
    3. Coordinate the voter registration and education programs with the Committee’s District Representatives and other standing committees to integrate voter registration & education programs into all FCDC voter engagements;
    4. Provide training and materials to Districts, FCDC Committees, Precinct Operations, canvassers, phone bankers, and campaigns to effectively carry out the voter registration & education program; and
    5. Develop outreach programs in tandem with relevant committees and caucuses targeting likely Democratic voters — particularly new citizens, people of color, marginalized communities, and young people/students — addressing their different challenges and guiding them to successful voting every election.


  1. 50+ Caucus

    1. Encourage the participation of senior citizens in the activities of the County Committee and in campaigns to promote Democratic candidates;
    2. Seek to identify issues of concern to senior citizens, to study and understand such issues, and to develop reports or recommendations on such issues for submission to the County Committee in accordance with the Bylaws;
    3. Assist the Precinct Operations Committee and the Voter Registration Committee in identification of potential Democratic supporters and in GOTV efforts; and
    4. Recommend activities and special publications for encouraging participation of senior citizens in County Committee activities and in campaigns and supervise their implementation.
  2. Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Caucus

    1. Provide an organizational focus for members of our constituency group;
    2. Present issues and act as an advocate for members of the group within the Fairfax County Democratic Committee and Democratic Party of Virginia;
    3. Provide contacts to members of the public who are not yet active in party affairs;
    4. Work with the Diversity and Outreach Vice Chair and Committee to assist in the Democratic Party’s commitment to outreach to members of our community and encourage them to participate in party affairs at the local, state, and national levels;
    5. Assist in the Democratic Party’s commitment to encourage persons who are members of the group to register to vote and become informed about issues;
    6. Assist in the Democratic Party’s efforts to energize and mobilize members of the group to vote for and support Democratic candidates;
    7. Encourage the development of group members who may be candidates for public office;
    8. Raise money to be used for outreach, party building, and election activities; and
    9. Provide a Fairfax County contact for the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia and other national and state organization.
  3. Black Caucus

    1. Provide an organizational focus for members of our constituency group;
    2. Present issues and act as an advocate for members of the group within the Fairfax County Democratic Committee and Virginia Democratic Party;
    3. Provide contacts to members of the public who are not yet active in party affairs;
    4. Work with the Diversity and Outreach Vice Chair and Committee to assist in the Democratic Party’s commitment to outreach to members of our community and encourage them to participate in party affairs at the local, state, and national levels;
    5. Assist in the Democratic Party’s commitment to encourage persons who are members of the group to register to vote and become informed about issues;
    6. Assist in the Democratic Party’s efforts to energize and mobilize members of the group to vote for and support Democratic candidates;
    7. Encourage the development of group members who may be candidates for public office;
    8. Raise money to be used for outreach, party building, and election activities; and
    9. Provide a Fairfax County contact for the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia and other national and state organizations.
  4. Labor Caucus

    1. Encourage the participation of Labor in the activities of the County Committee and in campaigns to promote Democratic candidates;
    2. Seek to identify issues of concern to Labor, to study and understand such issues, and to develop reports or recommendations on such issues for submission to the County Committee in accordance with the Bylaws;
    3. Assist the Precinct Operations Committee and the Voter Registration Committee in identification of potential Democratic supporters and in GOTV efforts;
    4. Coordinate with the campaigns of Democratic candidates to assure greater participation by Labor; and
    5. Recommend activities and special publications for encouraging participation of Labor in County Committee activities and in campaigns and supervise their implementation.
  5. Latino Caucus

    1. Provide an organizational focus for members of our constituency group;
    2. Present issues and act as an advocate for members of the group within the Fairfax County Democratic Committee and Virginia Democratic Party;
    3. Provide contacts to members of the public who are not yet active in party affairs;
    4. Work with the Diversity and Outreach Vice Chair and Committee to assist in the Democratic Party’s commitment to outreach to members of our community and encourage them to participate in party affairs at the local, state, and national levels;
    5. Assist in the Democratic Party’s commitment to encourage persons who are members of the group to register to vote and become informed about issues;
    6. Assist in the Democratic Party’s efforts to energize and mobilize members of the group to vote for and support Democratic candidates;
    7. Encourage the development of group members who may be candidates for public office;
    8. Raise money to be used for outreach, party building, and election activities; and
    9. Provide a Fairfax County contact for the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of Virginia and other national and state organizations.
  6. LGBTQA+ Caucus

    1. Promote the principles of the Democratic Party in the LGBTQA+ community;
    2. Educate elected officials, candidates, FCDC members, and Fairfax County voters about issues of importance to the LGBTQA+ community;
    3. Work cooperatively with LGBT Democrats of Virginia and other LGBTQA+ groups aligned with the Democratic Party at the county, state, and national level;
    4. Encourage the participation of LGBTQA+ people in FCDC activities;
    5. Identify LGBTQA+ households in Fairfax County, make sure they are registered to vote, and turn them out to vote in each election;
    6. Raise funds to implement of this committee’s outreach and electoral programs; and
    7. Host FCDC’s official pride fundraising celebration each year.
  7. Veterans and Military Families Caucus (VMFC)

    1. Encourage the participation of Veterans and their family members in the activities of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, Democratic elections, and the democratic process;
    2. Identify issues faced by Veterans and their family members and develop policy initiatives – in congruence with the state and national Democratic Party – to assist in their resolution;
    3. Assist the FCDC Precinct Operations Committee and the Voter Registration Committee with identification of potential Democratic Military Veterans and families, and support related GOTV efforts;
    4. Act as the voice of Veterans and their families in the creation, development, and implementation of FCDC activities and publications to ensure the inclusion and participation of this group;
    5. Support and encourage qualified Veterans and their family members who seek to run for public office within FCDC’s jurisdiction; and
    6. Foster collaboration with local Military and Veterans associations as well as Veterans-focused businesses to maximize outreach and impact.
  8. Women Caucus

    1. Encourage the participation of women in the activities of the County Committee and in campaigns to promote Democratic candidates;
    2. Seek to identify issues of concern to women, to study and understand such issues, and to develop reports or recommendations on such issues for submission to the County Committee in accordance with the Bylaws, and elected officials;
    3. Assist the Precinct Operations Committee and the Voter Registration Committee in identification of potential Democratic supporters and in GOTV efforts;
    4. Coordinate with the various campaigns of Democratic candidates to assure greater participation by women; and
    5. Recommend activities and special publications for encouraging women’s participation in County Committee activities and in campaigns and supervise their implementation.
  9. Youth Caucus

    1. Encourage the participation and outreach of younger adults in the activities of the County Committee and in campaigns to promote Democratic candidates;
    2. Seek to identify issues of concern to younger adults, to study and understand such issues, and to develop reports or recommendations on such issues for submission to the County Committee in accordance with the Bylaws;
    3. Coordinate with the campaigns of Democratic candidates to assure greater participation by younger adults; and
    4. Recommend events, strategies, and tools for encouraging participation of younger adults in County Committee activities and in campaigns and supervise their implementation.